Do you already know us!

Entrepreneurs, fast and powerful, not fancy, challenging, confrontational and just doing it.

Tom Spoor

Tom Spoor

CIO & Founder
Sales generator

Caspar Fraiture

Caspar Fraiture

Sales enabler
Sales performance

Team of connectors

Strategists, Content creators, HubSpot consultants, Telemarketers, Web developers, Data analysts, Sales trainers and Project managers.

Find and connect customers

Paying attention is getting attention.

Stop waste of time and money

Personalise one-on-one communication instead of mass or community.

Every person is unique and specific. The consumer no longer exists. It is increasingly difficult for consumers to put themselves in a box. That is why you no longer get there with communities and not even with personas. OMB Digital therefore does not speak about consumers but about CUSTOMERS in order to keep the focus personal. This requires a great anticipatory capacity of sales and marketeers.

Therefore, always look at what the consumer is trying to get out of the interaction with your brand. Focus less on what your brand wants to tell the consumer and more on what the CUSTOMER wants to achieve. ‘His or her so-called job-to-be-done.’ A product is often not a goal but a means.

We have moved from advertising (offline mass communication) to marketing (online community communication) and today to personalization (data one-on-one communication) through algorithms and AI.

Our diamonds
